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RE: Reaching Decisions and "Re: [wg-c] Well, maybe this won't work"
At 15:23 06-09-1999 -0700, Roeland M.J. Meyer wrote:
>I saw it, but I didn't understand it. I don't know the reference to an
>"Option 3". Could you please clarify?
Dear Reoland:
I thought there was an Option 3 to the original "Straw vote" posting. I
thought it was for immediate delegation of many gTLDs. Perhaps I was
confused by the other issues. There were about three major issues in the
original posting.
You're right, there were only two options to issue #1. The original
posting was on 12 August at 16:52 (-0400). There were four questions with
up to five options each:
Option 1: Without regard to whether it would be desirable to have many
gTLDs in the long term, ICANN should proceed now by adding only a few, and
then pausing for evaluation. Only after assessing the results should it
initiate any action to add more.
Option 2: ICANN should implement a plan contemplating the
authorization of
many new gTLDs over the next few years. (Example: ICANN might plan to
authorize up to 10-12 new registries, each operating 1-3 new gTLDs, each
year, for a period of five years; each year's authorizations would be
staggered over the course of the year.) This option would place the burden
on opponents, if evidence comes in demonstrating that additional new gTLDs
are a bad idea or that the rollout is too fast, to bring that evidence to
ICANN's attention and call for a halt or a slowdown.
>Yes, in principle, I agree to a VoteBot and have been saying so for a
>longish while. Joop Teernstra has even volunteered the IDNO VoteBot to
>this issue, in the DNSO/GA. As a member of the IDNO steering committee
>and with the caveate that the rest of the IDNO steering committee have
>final approval, I repeat Joop's offer of the use of the IDNO VoteBot.
I feel fairly confident that Dan Busarow would be willing to host the
Votebot. I think it was his original creation. He does a great job with it.
Personal regards, BobC
Robert's Rule of Problems.
(The sum of Hypothetical situations/The sum of Real problems)>=10
(c) Robert F. Connelly, 1999
Quotation, with attribution, authorised without written request;-)