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[wg-c] Steps towards a working compromise (Position Papers A,C,D,E)

While reflecting on Rebecca Nesson's "Introduction and unofficial
proposal" mail of the 22nd, and Anthony Rutkowski's "working groups
can just convene and do what they do ..." of the 29th, it occurred
to me that it is possible to reconcile the core positions taken in
A, C, D, and E.

Who co-signed what in the A, C, D, and E papers?

A co-signers:
Ann-Catherine Andersson, Jean Michel Bécar, Eric Brunner,  Robert F. Connelly, 
Dave Crocker, Rod Dixon, Joseph Friedman, Siegfried Langenbach, David Maher, 
Mark Measday, Paul Stahura, Jonathan Weinberg

C co-signers:
Caroline Chicoine, Marilyn Cade, Tod Cohen, Keith Gymer, Anthony Lupo,
Rita Odin, Annie Renard, Petter Rindforth, Martin Schwimmer

D co-signers:
Ann-Catherine Andersson, Eric Brunner, Kent Crispin, Dave Crocker,
Joseph Friedman, Jim Glanz, David Maher, Javier Sola 

E co-signers:
Eric Brunner, Kent Crispin,

What are their areas of agreement?

1. cautious deployment, expressed as "6-10" (A,D,E) and "if necessary" (C).
2. desirability of some non-null policy, expressed as public trust (A,C,D,E),
   trademark (C), stability (D) and human rights (E).
3. concern for viable registry operations, expressed as "mixed" (A,C), and
   "shared" (D,E).
4. concern for registrants, expressed as acceptance of trademark policy, if
   "overblown" (A), acceptance of trademark policy (C), stability (D) and
   acceptance and extention of trademark policy (E).
5. concern for registrars, expressed as "open" and "chartered" TLDs (A,C,D,E),
   and access. 

There are areas of disagreement, and the above list is not exhaustive, but
if it is reasonably proximal to perfect, then the next steps can be more
than the ones just completed.
