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Re: [wg-c] Possible solution to lock in? For Profit registries.

On 20-Nov-99 Dave Crocker wrote:
> At 09:41 AM 11/20/1999 , Robert F. Connelly wrote:
>>Dear Kent:  As I have said several times, in case for-profit registries 
>>are permitted, then there needs to be a facility such as a public 
>>utilities commission to oversee pricing, profits, salaries of officers,
> Bob,
> NSI has been subject to just such oversight, even tested in court, but
> the 
> real end-user protection has been minimal (at best.)
> What will make the new oversight better?

Has NSI ever tried to gouge a customer on a renewal?  Didn't think so.

William X. Walsh - DSo Internet Services
Email: william@dso.net  Fax:(209) 671-7934