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Re: [wg-d] determining the make up of working group D
> >Karl and Mark think all decisions should be made through a formal
> >vote. Given the above bio, should I be allowed to vote? If not, what
> >procedures would WGs have to disallow such votes?
> Voting in WGs and the GA will be, as with the membership, a difficult
> question, especially if we adopt an "anyone can participate" model (still
> to be decided). Can someone who has been following the MAC discussions on
> the ICANN general membership fill us in on what solutions they have
> found, or at least, what solutions they've rejected? It seems that there
> may be an awful lot of overlap in some of things we're trying to do.
> -- Bret
I was a member of MAC (and perhaps still am since there was no formal
dissolution of the committee). The full results of the MAC discussions and
report are available on the ICANN website, but basically (to my recollection),
anyone can be a member. Corporations can join as well, and a corporation
either gets one vote or none depending on what arguments you believe. To my
mind it shouldnt matter if there are sufficient individuals. A big company
like GM (just an example) would gain more influence if its employees all joined
than if it just sent a single corporate representative.
But this is the solution proposed for Individual memberships. It may or may
not be appropriate for the DNSO.
Dan Steinberg
Synthesis: Law &
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