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[wg-d] Identification

Someone just asked "how do we know the voters aren't fraudulant".

Well, for anybody who has done much contract work, that's pretty routine

For corporations and other legal entities: 

 - The corporation must produce a certified statement from
   the state of incorporation verifying that the corporation is
   legitimate, has paid its taxes, and is otherwise a real entity.  That
   document must also indicate the names of the corporate directors and
   officers.  This kind of paper is available here in California from the
   Secretary of State for about $20(US).

 - The corporation must produce a dated and notarized statement
   from one of the officers/directors certifying a named person is acting
   as the representative of the corporation in the matter at hand.

   (Sometimes it is necessary for the corporation to also provide copies
   of its organic documents - articles and bylaws - to demonstrate that
   the officer/director has the power to make such a designation.
   Othertimes there is a board resolution making the designation.)

 - Then that named person must come forward with sufficient personal
   idenfication that one can believe he/she is who he/she purports to be.

For individuals:

 - The individual must come forward with sufficient personal
   idenfication that one can believe he/she is who he/she purports to be.
   (This is essentially the same as the last step when validating
