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Re: [[wg-e] DNSO Fund Raising Document - in text format ]

Tarek Kamel <tkamel@idsc.gov.eg> wrote:

Dear Meembers of workgroup E (Awareness and Outreach)

 In Santiago we agreed on our face to face meetng that we will prepare a
document for fund raising.
Please comment the attached document
Fund Raising Request for the DNSO at ICANN
Funds Needed:
It is expected that each SO will establish equitable participation dues or
other assessments to cover all costs of organizing and sustaining the work
of the SO within the ICANN structure.
Funds Utilization:
Outreach and Global Awareness
Funds needed, will be used by the Outreach and Global Awareness committee
to achieve its objectives:
 · Target
Determine target people worldwide.
Define members' qualifications.
State pros/cons of different memberships
 · Awareness
Prepare content for distribution.
Issue periodic publications.
Choose appropriate publication media.
Make use of public relation issues.
Determine geographic objectives.
Measure/Monitor awareness progress.
 · Outreach
Overcome cultural impediments.
Overcome geographic barriers.
Achieve multilingual communication.
Make efforts to reach developing/emerging countries.
Define membership requirements.
Ease application process to attract new members.
Define means of communication.

This is an excellent background statement about the org and an excellent list
of target activities.  Thank you Tarek for preparing it.
Indeed we have a lot of work  ahead of us. I look forward to helping spread
the word and meet these goals.

My question is 
Do we not need to detail why the figure of 20KUSD is needed and how it will be

When I am preparing a budget, I have to show how much money is spent on what
items or activities.  Do we not need to do that here? How do we know that 20K
is enough? 

A second question is should wg-e be responsible for
"Define members' qualifications"?  Perhaps that is the province of another

Please, I apologize if I am ignorant of anything and await explanation.


Jeffrey Graber, MAIP  
Founding Board Member, 
Association of Internet Professionals
( www.association.org )   jgraber@association.org

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