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Re: [wg-review] 11. IDNH

Is it a workable solution to have the constituencies operate outside of ICANN
as PACs and then just have a general assembly one person one vote. Then only
committees which make recomendations which the board puts up for vote. You
could even have registration of the PACs.

Greg Burton wrote:

> At 12:45 AM 1/16/01, Bret Busby wrote:
> >I understand, from what has been said, that the existence of the
> >constituencies is a necessary evil; that, without the constituencies, no
> >advocacy to the Names Council would exist; that the Names Council
> >members are appointed, without the constituencies, and, that removing
> >the constituencies, would ensure that an appointed board would be what
> >constituted the Names Council, with no-one being represented, other than
> >the body that appointed the NC board.
> The NC elects members to the BoD. The NC is elected by the constituencies.
> I'd be very interested in who is claiming that the NC would be
> automatically be "appointed" if the constituencies don't elect them. It
> would be quite possible for the General Assembly to elect the NC members as
> well. The bylaws certainly don't include any statement that the NC will be
> appointed if constituencies no longer vote for them.
> For more information on this, I suggest you read the ICANN bylaws - they're
> posted at the ICANN site.
> Regards,
> Greg
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