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Re: [wg-review] 11. IDNH

Jefsey Morfin wrote:
> Dear Roeland,
> All of "us", ie experienced folks and smart newcomers alike, are in full
> agreement from the very first day: but we face the "consensus" NC
> expected, made of documents and confusion where people repeat ad
> nauseam they want a constituency for their own use, helping this way
> the constitucny system to survive.
> Now this has been reported the usual "new demand": you will not make
> them change their miind. They have been trapped once more. Most of them
> know it or start realizing. What is sad is that the first thread on individual
> domain name owners is the constituency system which protects their
> opponents and does not permit the ccTLD to be present at the BoD, while
> many of them are idnholders of ccTLDs....
> It was a lost battle. We known its rules. May be we won a few things: we
> have to asses that. There is all this WG and there is the reality. Let
> concentrate on the reality and on ICANN survival.
> Jefsey

 i have already commented on the shortcomings of the ICANN
organisational structure chart, at
http://www.icann.org/general/icann-org-chart_frame.htm , but, it does
include a ccTLD registries constituency, as one of the existing
constituencies, that is represented, relative to the DNSO.

And, given, from the by-laws, 

   (a) Each Constituency shall self-organize, and shall determine its
own criteria for participation, except that
   no individual or entity shall be excluded from participation in a
Constituency merely because of
   participation in another Constituency, and constituencies shall
operate to the maximum extent feasible in
   an open and transparent manner and consistent with procedures
designed to ensure fairness. The Board
   shall recognize a Constituency (including the initial Constituencies
described in (b) below) by a majority
   vote, whereby the Constituency shall be deemed to exist for purposes
of these Bylaws.

   (b) The initial Constituencies shall consist of (in alphabetical

   1. ccTLD registries;

   2. commercial and business entities;

   3. gTLD registries;

   4. ISP and connectivity providers;

   5. non-commercial domain name holders;

   6. registrars; and

   7. trademark, other intellectual property and anti-counterfeiting

   (c) Each Constituency shall select up to three individuals to
represent that Constituency on the NC, no two of
   whom may be citizens of the same Geographic Region, as defined in
Article V, Section 6, except that, with
   the consent of the Board, this latter requirement may be suspended
for the term of a particular individual
   upon a showing that it is impracticable for the Constituency to
obtain such geographic diversity.", 

are the ccTLD's not as equally represented, as the other constituencies,
with an allocated number of seats on the Names Council?

Please clarify the problem, as I seem to be missing something here.

Thanks in anticipation.


Bret Busby

Armadale, West Australia

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answer means."
 - Deep Thought, Chapter 28 of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
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