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[wg-review] Voters should indicate they voted!

I do not get paid for my participation here, however, I wish I were
getting paid for it.  I would enjoy dedicating all of my time and
resources to this US/DoC/ICANN/DNSO/WG vs. Planet Earth.  If anyone here
admits to getting paid for their participation in this WG I'll say: -
Hurray for you and how can I do that?!  What's wrong with getting paid?

Is there any reason why all of the participants in this WG cannot
identify whether they voted or not?  This WG is small enough that the
participants here could indicate if they voted or not.  In such a small
WG as this, I do not see any problem with voters indicating whether they
voted or not.  However, voters should not be obligated to indicate how
they voted.

I'll admit that I did not vote.  Apparently, my vote really would not of
counted had I voted anyway.

Derek Conant

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