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Re: [council] Elections - Open Issues

Dear All,

I hope I understand the discussion correctly and this mail 
conveys my thought to you in spite of my English ability.

As one of the persons who attend the real-time conference around 
mid-night, let me say "let's condense the conference as compact 
as possible." This precludes the procedures only through e-mails. 

We may have several (sub)rounds of voting in a day with 
synchronized interactions. To easily achive the synchronization, 
I think telephone conference is the best choice. As I don't have 
poor experience with chat, I may be wrong... But, it might be 
very cumbersome and time-consuming to ensure all the people 
online especially when we happen to lose someone during the 
conference-chat. Please correct me, if I'm wrong.

On the other hand, It is not easy for me to completely understand 
the oral discussion with no misunderstanding. Especially, I often 
have trouble in catching names other than Japanese. In election, 
we have to know the list of the candidates at each (sub)round 
with no misunderstanding, So, I think it is better to have the 
list written and distributed at each (sub)round. 

As a result, I'd like to support the proposal "telephone 
conference + e-mail" in order to ensure compactness, 
synchronization, and no-misunderstanding. Telephone line will 
also help us in contacting a person who cannot respond quickly or 
whose e-mails don't travel fast enough. 


At 99/09/28 00:56, Raul wrote:
> >The question now is How we meet and vote meanhwile? My suggeton is
> >that we use a combination of e-mail (during and shortly after the
> >teleconfs) combined with telephone for those not able to send mail at
> >that time (there is always someone at an airport...). 
> RE - I prefer "shortly after" and not "during"
> >
> >This ias a beginning: telconf and e-mail. But then we should make sure
> >we "meet" the day after in order to complete the election, b the first
> >or second or third seat (for the third seat, the simplest one, we
> >should meet the same day). But how?
> >
> >In my view, the need to meet derives form the fact that we have to
> >make sure that we all will be sinding some (multiple) rounds of votes
> >until we elect a Director prior to a ceratin hour. The problem with
> >pure e.mail, with no previously scheduled defined hours, is that this
> >would take days, not hours.
> >
> >Elisabeth proposes that we schedule a short telconf each day at the
> >usual time. I propsoe to use telconfs on Monday and Firday (f9rst and
> >last day) and, try chat for the rest. It is very likley that elections
> >for the seond and third seat will be hold in only one day, but it is
> >also likely that the first seat will take tow days. Do we want to
> >schedule a teleconf each day?
> >
> >In any case we all should be aware that all NC m,embers should redline
> >at least one hour each day during that week, as multiple votes will be
> needed.
> >
> >My proposal for chat, as I have explained is that allows to check who
> >is present (s teleonfs), allows genral discussion (as teleonfs) and
> >also private discussions (unlke telcnfs). Perhaps telconf plus mail is
> >an equivalent...but less coneient in my vew, and much more expensive ;-))
> RE - YES, you are right !
> >
> >Just a question: are all of you familiar with chatting software?
> RE - Yes, I use mIRC. 
> Raul Echeberria
> raul@inia.org.uy

Hirofumi Hotta
R&D Strategy Department, NTT