In compliance with by-law VI-B 2(h) summaries of NC meetings
should be approved and made public within 21 days of an NC meeting.
1. Within seven days of an NC meeting, the Secretariat will
forward draft summary to the NC Chair
2. Within 10 days of the meeting, the Chair will approve the
draft and request the Secretariat to circulate the draft summary to NC members
for comment and approval. If no comment is received within seven days, the
minutes will be deemed to have been approved.
3. All comments received from NC members will be incorporated
in the summary unless there are objections from other NC members.
4. Where there are objections, the Chair will attempt to
resolve the issue and secure agreement from the relevant NC members. If
agreement is not achieved, the Chair will determine the final version of the
minutes and may note areas in which agreement has not been achieved.
5. The Chair will ensure the above procedure is complete and
an approved version of the summary is circulated and made public within 21
days of the relevant meeting.