Re: [council] NC meeting Jan 24 Agenda item 5
thanks for your comment on the proposed NC meeting summary
approval procedure. Typically when an NC member proposes a change the
reason is for clarity or accuracy and no one objects. The change is made.
The situation you describe is thus quite rare. It is a
proposed amendment to the summary that someone says is inaccurate.
It thus seems inappropriate to have a vote on true/false.
Better to resolve the issue so that all agree. That was the reason for
item 4. The Chair tries to resolve the issue. If the issue cannot be resolved to
everyone's satisfaction then the procedure says the Chair decides and notes that
there has been disagreement. Surely this is enough?
If an issue is so important to require an NC vote I believe
the point itself should be addressed at the next meeting. Hopefully the Chair
may do this (following the discussions the Chair will have had). If not the
aggrieved NC member may propose the agenda item.
I would be reluctant to over formalise a recordal procedure to
allow for occurrences of some rarity.