Re: [council] Nomination for NC Chair
Dear Richard:
In your nomination of Cary
,you stated that he has been involved in the ICANN process for a number of
years. Unfortunately, however, I am quite unfamiliar with any of Cary's
past accomplishments and/or participation within the ICANN process, beyond is
obvious involvement with the establishment of .museum. My lack of
knowledge may simply be due to my unfamiliarity with the NC.
Nevertheless, I was wondering whether you could elaborate on this statement by
providing the members of the NC with more
information regarding Cary's involvement and participation within the
DNSO. Specifically, can you provide us with a list Working Groups
and/or Task Forces on which Cary has participated. I would be specifically
interested to know any if he has ever Chaired any such groups within
the DNSO. In addition, I would be interested to know whether Cary was
involved in the DNSO prior to his election to the NC. I believe this type
of information would be very useful as NC members ponder the upcoming
Thank you in advance for your