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Re: [ga] At Large Elections


You are right.

One might just observe that this is not avoidable from ICANN's part.
Or are there alternatives that ICANN could have preferred to the postal 
system for (secure) delivery of PINs?


>"Somewhere in the postal system ....."
>I imagine that for some developing countries the use of the postal 
>may be a nightmare. One thats even more challenging than using web 
>membership participation from developing countries, as experienced with

>at-large member registrations. Is this yet another barrier for 
>from the frontiers of the Internet?
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Roberto Gaetano <roberto.gaetano@voila.fr>
>To: <cambler@iodesign.com>
>Cc: <ga@dnso.org>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2000 7:50 AM
>Subject: Re: [ga] At Large Elections
>> Chris,
>> ICANN claims it has sent all PINs by August 7, which makes it very
>> likely that your PIN is somewhere in the Postal system.
>> My suggestion would be, to you and to the others that are in the same

>> situation, to activate the procedure for "lost PIN", and that before 
>>  late.
>> It is already difficult to get to 2% of the votes, that there's no
>> reason to make this risk higher.
>> Regards
>> Roberto
>> >> Your PIN was sent via postal mail.
>> >
>> >No, it wasn't. I still don't have it. I would like to state for the
>> >record that I cast my support for Karl Auerbach. I have no
>> >expectation of receiving my PIN in time.
>> >
>> >Christopher
>> >
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>> >
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