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RE: [ga] DNSO ICANN board member

That timing makes more sense to me, actually. I didn't remember him in an
ongoing role during most of the work of the group.

But, then you know how memory cells are sometimes!  Thanks for checking the


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Weinberg [mailto:weinberg@mail.msen.com]
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 12:15 AM
To: Harald Alvestrand; Cade,Marilyn S - LGA; Andy Gardner; ga@dnso.org
Subject: RE: [ga] DNSO ICANN board member

At 07:33 PM 8/22/00 -0700, Harald Alvestrand wrote:
>At 20:14 22/08/2000 -0400, Cade,Marilyn S - LGA wrote:
>>I worked in Working Group B.  I am unaware of Jonathan Cohen's involvement
>>in that working group.  Is there some confusion here?
>on his resume, he mentioned that he had co-chaired the group.
>But when I check out my WG-B archives, I find that Victoria Carrington said

>that she had replaced him as "NC representative" on Nov 15, 1999 - so it 
>may not be right to blame him for anything that happened after that.

	Victoria Carrington is an associate lawyer in the firm in which
Cohen is senior managing partner.  She was named to his position
representing the Intellectual Property Constituency on the NC when he
joined the ICANN Board.

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