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[ga] Hey Shawana! Enter to Win $500,000 Instantly!

September 26 - Vol. 5, Issue 36

Enter to Win Cars, Cash and More!
The Sweepstakes Wire saves
you time! Don't search the Web for the best sweepstakes - we've done it
for you! Enter to win cash, cars
and lots more for free today! |

Donna Van Nest of Brookings, OR
"Thanks a million! I was just notified that I won a Barnes and Noble
$150 gift certificate. I can hardly believe it. I am totally excited.
It must be fate because Barnes and Noble is one of my favorite places
to shop, either online or at one of their stores. I play Webstakes
daily and you can bet I will continue to play for more prizes."
Be a winner like Donna! Enter to win a Barnes and Noble Gift Certificate today!
Enter to Win $500,000 Instantly!
Now that the weekend is here, you can stop staring out the window at
work, wishing you were outside and doing anything BUT working, and
start having some fun. Wouldn't life be easier if you had $500,000
cash? The clouds would clear and everything in the world would be
right. Instead of staring out the window, download your FREE prize
window from WinDough.com and start watching to win! You'll get
chances every minute - that's 2,880 chances a day to win! Get to it!
Enter to win $500,000 instantly!

Enter to Win a Trip to Australia!
Send a FREE ZingCard for a chance to win a trip to
Australia. Every time you send a ZingCard between now
and October 15, 2000, you will automatically be entered to win.

Enter to Win a $500 Shopping Spree!
The upcoming holiday season can be a stressful time - but it doesn't
have to be! Order your FREE mail order catalogues now - including Lane
Bryant, J&R Music and lucy.com and you'll be entered to win the spree
from FreeShop.com!
Enter to Win a $500 Toy Shopping Spree!
Wish your baby came with an instruction manual? Don't we all! Get the
next best thing for free - sign up for your free baby newsletter from
BabyZone.com and get the 411 on babies. Plus, enter to win a
toy shopping spree!

We've noticed there are suddenly tons of personality quizzes available
on the Net - but we're not too thrilled with their insights. They don't
make as much sense as they should, and often don't get to the heart of
the issues quickly enough. That's why we've designed our own quiz, one
that isn't like any others. So take our personality quiz today and find
out all your deepest, darkest personality traits in 5 minutes or less!
o On a Friday night, you'd rather:
(a) Go to a party, movie or dinner with a group of friends.
(b) Stay home and see what's on cable or surf the Net.
(c) Dig for bones in the backyard and chase squirrels.
If you answered a, you're a social person. If you answered b, you're
inclined to spend time alone and are comfortable with yourself. If you
answered c, you're a German Shephard.
o You like your meat with...
(a) I don't eat meat
(b) More meat!
(c) Lots and lots of mayonnaise
If you answered a, you like to frolick in the fields with rabbits and
deer. If you answered b, you are a bloodthirsty carnivore. If you
answered c, you have questionable eating habits and frighten us.
o If you get an itch on your foot, you...
(a) Scratch it
(b) Ignore it
(c) Cut off your foot
If you answered a, your life is loaded with guilty pleasure. If you
picked b, you have nerves of steel. If you answered c, well, let's
just hope you never get a bad case of dandruff.
If you saw one hundred little mice in zoot suits dancing in a big
circle, you would...
(A)Run for your life
(B)Wake up
(C)Join in
If you answered a, you have to realize that mice who wear zoot suits
are not harmful - you know the ones you have to worry about are naked
barbarian mice. If you answered b, you most certainly don't get enough
sleep in the course of an evening. If you answered c, you are truly a
player and well loved by all members of the animal kingdom.
When you have extra money, you spend it on...
(A)A nice dinner
(B)Awesome clothes, electronics, CDs, etc.
(C)Someone else
If you answered a, you aren't very good at saving money. If you picked
b, you aren't very good at it either but at least you have a selfish
streak and like to flaunt it when you have it and if you answered c,
Honey, you need to get out there and treat yourself - er, I mean me.
You need to treat me.
Know of a site we should see? Send it to us
today! |
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