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Re: [ga] Fuzz about Froomkin

At 8:31 pm -0500 10/31/00, Sandy Harris wrote:
>Andy Gardner wrote:
>> Since the elected board members don't get ushered in until after the AGM
>> (when the big decisions have already been rubber stamped), can we have the
>> squatters booted BEFORE the AGM, then have 4 of the 5 elected members
>> replace them until after the AGM, when they take their own seats?
>Better to have the squatters leave and put in all five elected members
>before the AGM.

Agreed, but less likely, I feel.

>I see no reasonable way to decide which four would replace

I do. If I was one of the five, I would quite happily let the other 4 be
put on the board early, just on the basis of better representation. I'm
fairly sure that at least of of the five REAL ELECTED board members would
feel the same way.

Who wants to draft a resolution? Time is of the essence.

Andrew P. Gardner
barcelona.com stolen, stmoritz.com stays. What's uniform about the UDRP?
We could ask ICANN to send WIPO a clue, but do they have any to spare?
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