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Re: [ga] the IDNO [was: Extension of the Interim Board Directors]

Hello Joop,

Wednesday, November 08, 2000, 1:35:57 AM, you wrote:

> GA members  might want to look at the members' list and see who have joined
> lately. www.idno.org/members.htm

They might be more interested to know that only a small fraction are
voting and participating, and that you have not made a concerted
effort to verify ongoing membership and qualifications.

I've verified that at least 2 on your membership list are no longer
eligible under your "charter" rules, and how many joined thinking it
was something else, but are no longer interested at all?

Only you can tell us this, since you are the only one with access to
the membership list, and for all we know, half of those people are
made up.

Best regards,
 William                            mailto:william@userfriendly.com

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