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Re: [ga] Nominations for Chair of Sub-Lists
Dear Patrick,
Who do you think we are? I am no onw's clown. Just mine.
Please remove my name from such a list. All the more associated to such a
stupid issue.
Thank you.
On 08:33 11/05/01, Patrick Corliss said:
>Chair, GA
>After careful consideration, I think that everyone is too shy to volunteer
>to be Chair of any of the sublists. I see the following persons as ideal
>and nominate each of them as Chair. Where there are two it's because I
>can't choose between them. Others may wish to nominate.
>Marilyn Cade (unbiaused and competent)
>William S. Lovell (understands complexities)
>David P. Farrar (same and very analytical)
>Darryl Lynch (interest in rules & protocols)
>Jefsey Morfin (good for stimulating debate)
>Sotiris Sotiropoulos (experience with review)
>Joop Ternstra (Domain Name Holders Rights)
>William X. Walsh (Expert in Registration Systems)
>Jonathan Weinberg (seems cool and detached)
>Any comments, seconders ??
>We have to move this process forward.
>Best Regards
>Patrick Corliss
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