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Re: [ga] No extra CC's or bcc's

On 2001-05-12 08:08:23 -0500, Bruce James wrote:

>Could everyone refrain from cc'ing or bcc'ing me any messages from 
>the mailing lists.  I am getting heartily sick of getting multiple 
>copies and my mail systems have enough traffic without the 
>redundant and annoying copies.

Refraining from manually gatewaying the same thread between various 
lists (such as domain-policy, ga, ga-roots, icann-europe, icann-fra, 
...) could help even more to avoid duplication, and to concentrate 
discussions.  [I plead guilty on having done this myself.]

While I'm on it, I believe that it was a bad idea to separate topics 
into all these lists: This multiplies administrative overhead, and 
adds opportunities for mis-posting messages, and for missing 
interesting or important discussions.  

It could be an interesting exercise for the chairs to compare the 
subscriber lists of the various subgroups.  If most of the people on 
these lists just belong to the same subset of ga subscribers, it may 
be more reasonable to abandon the sublists and move back to the 
situation of a single GA list.

It could also be reasonable to ban certain kinds of cross-posting 
behaviour - be it technically, be it by threatening (and 
implementing) temporary posting bans for list members who are in 
violation of the policy:

- Automatically ban messages which are To or CC domain-policy, 
   icann-europe, icann-fra, ....  This can be implemented trivially 
   by using majordomo's taboo_header setting.

- Automatically ban messages which evidently come from cross-posted 
   threads.  In particular, you could match on the following Subject 

- Educate posters who are spreading threads over various lists. This 
   should happen in firm, but polite tone, and off-list(!).

- Establish a policy which requires that the name of the respective 
   ga list MUST occur on postings' To or CC headers.  I don't think 
   this can easily be implemented with majordomo, so you'd have to 
   rely on appropriately threatening non-compliant posters.

I'd be willing to establish and enforce a similar policy on 
icann-europe, and we could at least try to get domain-policy on 
board, too.

Thomas Roessler                        http://log.does-not-exist.org/
 Wenn man nicht mehr weiterweiß, dann gründet man 'nen Arbeitskreis.
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