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Re: [ga] GA-REVIEW & Other Mailing Lists

"William X. Walsh" wrote:

> > [ga-icann]                mainstream issue.  scrap the list.
> Agreed.
> > [ga-rules]                 like an O/S it essential to separate levels of
> > debate.
> Disagree completely.  This list has served no purpose,and it shows no
> potential for developing into any purposeful list.
> > [ga-roots]                it's the most popular.  let it run.
> It's also unproductive.  It CANNOT be productive, because the only
> ones it is at all of interest to are the polar opposites.
> It serves no useful purpose whatsoever.  And it won't. Kill it.
> > [ga-udrp]                 special interest group must be interested
> If there was interest in having a separate list for this issue, the
> list would be in use.
> > [ga-org]                   -- ditto --
> This is a VITAL and mainstream issue.  The issue MUST be before the
> entire GA for the best possible exposure and most input.
> > [ga-sys]                   meant for detailed issues like registration
> > systems
> But it isn't being used for that, is it?  Scrap it.

In other words, scrap all the spin-off lists.

I agree. They were a silly idea in the first place and the experiment
has failed to produce anything useful.

An exception might be the roots list. Having that brouhaha take place
elsewhere does improve this list. On the other hand, I think WXW is
right; it is unproductive and likely to remain so.
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