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[ga] Re: Membership Drive

Joanna Lane writes:  "I propose the DNSO Secretariat prepares a formal press
announcement to
invite the general public to subscribe to the Electoral Register of the
General Assembly for the specific purposes of participating in the
forthcoming election to select the next candidate to represent the DNSO on
the Board of Directors."

I see this as an excellent suggestion and will forward the recommendation to
our Secretariat   I had written to Elisabeth on the 8th of this month
inquiring about the nomination process and was advised that:  "Each year the
procedure shall be adapted (timeline). And each year we start the process in
the second half of July."

Having scoured the archives, I believe that I may have found the URL that
deals with this nomination process:
http://www.dnso.org/dnso/notes/19990917.DNSO-ICANN-nominations.html although
it is quite possible that our Secretariat might be aware of a more current

(Please note that Elisabeth is now on scheduled travels until after the
14th).  Upon her return I expect that we can also move forward on the
nomination process to select a representative to the NC Task Force dealing
with the Individual Domain Name Holders' Constituency.

Acting further upon Joanna's suggestion, I have also posted an invitation on
the ICANN public forum asking those interested in domain name policy issues
to join the General Assembly.

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