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Re[2]: NC representatives appear non-effective - Re: [ga] DNSO GA RESTRUCTURING

Hello Derek,

The problem is that Danny hasn't even made more than a token attempt
to guide discussion on this list.

His post to the ga-org list showed promise that maybe he was actually
starting to understand how to do his job, but that hope quickly faded,
it seemed he pulled a hit and run.

We do not need 7 people to tell us what we need to talk about and to
do Danny's job for him.

What we need is for Danny to either step up to the plate and act like
a chair and to be an instrument of consensus, or to ask the Names
Council to accept his resignation and make way for the GA to select
someone who can fill that role.  Our chair should be guiding
discussion, prioritizing subjects of discussion and debate, and
helping us by pulling out the points where we agree and using them to
help bring us about to points of consensus on the subject.

Jonathan Weinberg's leadership in NC Workgroup C on gTLDs is an
excellent example of how to do that, in what was probably the most
hotly contested issue in the DNSO to date.

We need a chair who will lead us, not come in every few days and
preach more about dismantlement, and chastise people for not
accomplish anything when the real cause is his failure to be a
presence on this list that coordinates and works with us.

And it doesn't take a lot of time to do that.  Again I hold Jonathan
up as an example of that.

The co-chair should be stepping in and assisting him in doing that,
and helping him to be a stabilizing presence here and in helping bring
about consensus on the issues that need to be addressed (and that
means recognizing when his own agenda is not going to be adopted and
be willing to set it aside).

Best regards,
William X Walsh
Owner, Userfriendly.com
Userfriendly.com Domains
The most advanced domain lookup tool on the net

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