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[ga] "They're Coming To Take Me Away. Ha Ha."

On Wed, 13 Jun 2001 15:38:24 -0700, William S. Lovell <wsl@cerebalaw.com>
To: Derek Conant <dconant@dnsga.org>; DNSO Secretariat
<DNSO.Secretariat@dnso.org>; M. Stuart Lynn <lynn@icann.org>
Cc: Jefsey Morfin <jefsey@wanadoo.fr>; <ga@dnso.org>; <ga@dnsga.org>
Subject: Re: [ga] Re: Thanks for support

> This whole dnsga/dnso ga bit is getting everyone confused.  Actual
> confusion is the best proof of likelihood of confusion in trademark
> (and, of course, service mark) law.  If ICANN legal staff are not drafting
> a "cease and desist" letter to this dnsga.org upstart they ought to be.

Hi Bill

Thank you for your comment.  Danny Younger, the Chair of the DNSO GA seems
like an intelligent and well-meaning person.  Derek Conant, the Chair of the
DNSGA seems like an intelligent and well-meaning person  When Danny Younger,
the Chair of the DNSO GA made one proposal relating to the DNSO GA, Derek
Conant, the Chair of the DNSGA, the Chair of the DNSGA, made a well-meaning
but confusing counter-proposal.   Now everybody is confused.

Ahha !!  But is the confusion deliberate ??

But, if you look at the whole history of the GA as a think-tank, you will
see that it is particularly ineffective.  Every proposal to move forward is
met with a counter-proposal.  Every suggestion, however mild, is met with
rejection, hostility or criticism.  Diversion of topic is the norm and there
are far more postings about the process than the substantive issues.

Of course, much of this is expected in a think-tank consisting of
intelligent and informed persons many of whom have an interest in the
outcome.  But as an intelligent person myself I find it incredibly hard to
believe that all this confusion is a natural result of the list dynamics.

I agree that leadership is required and of course that leadership MUST
listen to the comments of the list members and act within the rules, but
there is a problem.  That is that the leadership feels increasingly
alienated by the stridency of the views expressed.  And increasingly
confused.   The reaction is inevitable, the leadership becomes isolated and
out of touch wiith reality.  Angry, desperate and unpredictable.

This is seen in a total failure to heed well-meaning advice.  And paranoia.

Which brings me to the conclusion that there is, somewhere, a mastermind
guiding the whole scheme. It's a well-known strategy of disinformation used
by security services around the world.  Some have naturally attributed the
problem to the shadow services (or Verisign -- an associate).  Others think
it's inspired by ICANN or its staff.   Personally I don't know who.  But I
more than sense the countervailing forces.

And I salute the opposing General !!!

Best regards
Patrick Corliss

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