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[ga] Sorry

I said I would not say anything about the DNSO/GA mamagement and you 
anymore. But I promised I would consider carefully your proposition.

Your suggestions are worth an open debate with votes. But today they are 
dividers. Should you reconsider your approach and:
1. propose a motion for the GA to review, amend, vote and adopt a motion of 
2. nominate people further on, to participate in possibly decided working 
I might be interested to consider.

If you need me to explain: what you propose would lead the most active 
Members of this list to compete with the NC and make the GA to lose 
credibility. IMHO the GA has not lost any reputation, it has shown itself 
mature enough to elect and asses its Chair, but it has not yet stabilized 
its chairing rules. The GA is by nature a think tank to motion propositions 
to the NC and fill the specialized WGs it may accept to create from GA 
Centers of Interest. The purpose of the GA is not to be the DNSO, as the 
nature of the Chair is not to embody the GA.

As you may recall, I have motioned a proposition on very precise and 
documented grounds for this GA to vote a drafting committee to prepare and 
send a document to the NC. It should have recommended the creation of a 
serious Working-Group on the iCANN doctrine and strategy about Name Space 
Management. This motion has been seconded and enought would-be Members of 
such a committee have stood-up. This motion should have been acknowledged, 
reviewed in comon and voted. A document should have been proposed to the 
GA's vote and sent to the NC. I suppose a WG-Name-Space would have been 

I am sorry: this is both the way I read the bylaws and I consider a proper 
professional functionning of a Support Organization. You chose not to 
permit this normal functionning to go through and to artificially create an 
ML on such a side aspect of the problem (ga-roots) that eventually the NC 
voted it out its scope.

The situation we all are in today with foreign roots and the many lawsuits 
to come and iCANN embarassements could have been avoided if my proposition 
had simply gone through your surprising blockade.

I am sorry: I cannot give you my name as an alibi against my interests and 
the interests of many on this list and much more throughout the world - 
since this is what the DNSO purpose is about: the interest of the Internet 
Community. Let resume an e-democratic process before, or it would be in 
addition a total waste of time.

Jefsey Morfin

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