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Re: [ga] Reply to William Walsh

Danny and all assembly members,

 I agree with your comments and observations entirely.  Many of us long
ago on various other forums learned that dealing with WXW was likely
and exercise in futility and not worth much bother.  I suggest that you
Danny take the same approach in put in a individual filter and only
occasionally review WXW's posts...

Danny Younger wrote:

> Hello William,
> Your incessant droning about what the Chairs should and should not be doing
> is becoming rather odious.  Patrick has politely asked you , "whether you
> see a place for working groups with the General Assembly?  Or do you see the
> whole thing as a single "chat room" as Eric has called it?"  Instead of
> giving him a direct answer you choose to pursue this unending litany.  As
> much as you speak about leadership, you appear to be looking for nothing
> more than a chat-room moderator.   I would offer you the job, but you have
> turned down every offer made to you so far.
> If you are not willing to participate in a meaningful fashion, or to provide
> direct answers to direct questions when politely asked, perhaps it is time
> that you should consider resigning from this list.
> You have implied that I come in every few days and preach about
> dismantlement.  Sorry to have to be the one to bring it to your attention,
> but the restructuring of ICANN, especially in view of the action of the
> ccTLD community, is very much a real issue.    The only one that appears to
> be up on a soapbox and preaching is you.
> I do so much regret that I haven't kept you entertained in the last 3 days
> after posting my preliminary 52K post to the dot org list... some will
> understand that research takes time and that the Chair has other projects
> and more to do than to daily engage in banter with WXW.   Some of us also
> understand that we have lives, and family, and obligations which
> occasionally will pull us away from the lists.
> I wonder, is there any list to which you subscribe in which you haven't
> attacked the Chairs?
> --
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Jeffrey A. Williams
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