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Re: [ga] Reply to William Walsh

Mr Younger

Might I ask a simple question ?

What exactly is your past experiance at managing a consensus driven 
process? Or Mr. Corliss' ?

Polar opposite opinions are standard fare when searching for 
consensus - they are not a sign that the process is failing but instead 
indicate how passionately these opinions are held and that there is still 
plenty of 'energy' left in the discussion participants.

What the Chairs do to help the participants find compromise between 
these opinions, both in highlighting those points where there is 
agreement and focusing the discussion where there isn't determines 
the success or failure of the process.

This process can be extremely frustrating for those who would prefer 
a more 'efficient' approach, but efficiency is not a priority when 
consensus is.

Suggesting that finding consensus is too hard - so we should give up 
and simply elect 9 GA Directors as Mr. Conant proposes is
(regardless of his intentions to be constructive) extremely destructive 
to the consensus process.

Sure seems to be a lot of well intentioned people here who just don't 
agree on everything rather than ill intentions on anyones part.

Can the Chairs help us find consensus ?

                    Not from what I've seen so far.

Is anyone out there still interested in trying ?

                    Fewer every day if we continue to beat up each other

sorry if I've offended anyone - that's not my intent

Earl Heather

> Hello William,
> Your incessant droning about what the Chairs should and should not be doing
> is becoming rather odious.  Patrick has politely asked you , "whether you
> see a place for working groups with the General Assembly?  Or do you see the
> whole thing as a single "chat room" as Eric has called it?"  Instead of
> giving him a direct answer you choose to pursue this unending litany.  As
> much as you speak about leadership, you appear to be looking for nothing
> more than a chat-room moderator.   I would offer you the job, but you have
> turned down every offer made to you so far.
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