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Re: [ga] Re: "They're Coming To Take Me Away. Ha Ha."

Danny and all assembly members,

Danny Younger wrote:

> Jeff Williams writes:  "This is fine Danny.  But what about before we move
> past the survey input phase.  Have any of the EFF listed or other privacy
> groups which Joanna listed been ask or informed about the WHOIS survey?  If
> not, why not?  After the fact isn't good enough, Danny.
> I realize that you are an employee of Register.com and this may be a touchy
> issue with you superiors and therefore some pressure could be applied to
> you.  And as such I can understand you response to Joanna, above."
> Jeff, with all due respect, many of the privacy groups to which you refer
> were participants in Stockholm, and many are actively involved within the
> non-commercial constituency (that keeps abreast of the issues rather well).

  Some, not many Danny...  Lets try to be honest at least, ok?  >;)
As you know than, most are not satisfied, including most of the list
that Joanna posted with and "After the Fact" survey participation
and review.  And SOME have stated so publicly such as the ACLU,
as just one example.  Another would be the COE, and you likely are aware
of as their privacy LAW and policy has been posted to this and the
ga-sys list on at least three occasions.  Hence, again my question to you...
What you provide here is NOT and answer but rather a seemingly
attempt to do some damage control.  I applaud you effort here
none the less.  Good spin..  >;)

> This survey was announced in Stockholm and has been posted twice as new and
> noteworthy on the www.icann.org site.  There have been discussions about
> this survey during the last three Names Council teleconferences and at the
> prior session in Melbourne.

 Yes I am very well aware of this Danny.  But thank you again for the
redundant information review anyway...  >;)

>  There are also ample comments regarding the
> work of this committee on the Names Council lists dating back to November,
> as well as comments on the Registrars list, the Business Constituency List
> and the Non-Com List.

  All true and I am aware of them very well thank you...  >;)

>  There has been an icann-announce message as well.
> The survey/comment period is open until July 31, sufficient time for you to
> assist in outreach activities.  Perhaps if you sent a note to your 118,000
> members...

  Some have.  Others look to me to speak for them as I am their spokesman.
I have posted to the ICANN BoD on a number of occasions beginning in
1998 see archives of the comments@icann.org ML for further reference.

> I have no idea why you might think this to be a touchy issue for me, nor any
> idea of why my employment is a factor in these discussions.

  I didn't say that I did.  You seem to be a bit defensive here Danny.  No
need to be is there?  Hope not.  >;)  But thank you for the "Tell" anyway.  >;)

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Jeffrey A. Williams
Spokesman for INEGroup - (Over 118k members strong!)
CEO/DIR. Internet Network Eng/SR. Java/CORBA Development Eng.
Information Network Eng. Group. INEG. INC.
E-Mail jwkckid1@ix.netcom.com
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