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Re: [ga] Proposal for Structural Change (Resolution 1.29)

----- Original Message -----
From: "William X. Walsh" <william@userfriendly.com>
> Currently the DNSO, ASO and PSO each appoint 3 board directors, for a
> total of 9.
> The At Large is supposed to elect 9 board directors.

ICANN was carefully designed to be captured at all times by the 2/3 vote
of the PSO and ASO over the DNSO. Folks might want to check some of the
archives on the ITAG and how ICANN was structured.

The entire MLM - Multi-Level-Marketing structure depends on the existing
arrangement. It does not seem likely that ICANN would disrupt their
and structure. If anything, things could be preserved and simplified, by
allowing the DNSO, ASO and PSO to absorb the At Large Directors.

If people truly want a structure based on representativeness, it seems
that the TLD could be the tribal name people rally behind. Once thoursands
of TLDs are identified as "Best-of-Breed", the TLD may be the natural
way to give people a voice, that can be accurately counted.

Jim Fleming

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