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Re: [ga] Also - Re: DNSO GA Chair Employed by Register.com?

Hello Andy,

on 6/15/01 1:29 PM, Andy Gardner at andy@navigator.co.nz wrote:

> While I don't have a problem with a GA official having an association with
> SOME Registrars, I DO have a problem if they are involved with
> Register.com, as it is a domain warehouser, and actively attempts to
> prevent the transfer of names away from itself.

A while ago, I asked Danny to give me his word that he would declare
anything and everything of monetary value, or in kind, that he may be
offered in support of his activities in the DNSO, or as an incentive,
whether from his employer, or any other entity. He agreed.

While I do not agree with everything he says and does, I have no reason to
doubt his word or his integrity, and there is no doubt in my mind that his
behaviour in all ethical matters has been impeccable.

Of course, if the GA Chair position was remunerated, as it should be, no
doubts of this kind could arise, but in the alternative, this is a matter of
trust. Danny is doing the best that he can, with his own funds and has my
100% support in his position as GA Chair. That's more than I could say for
others here. 


p.s. I don't work for Register.com or any other company that earns its
living from the internet.    

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