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Geographical representation (was:Re: [ga] DNSO Secretariat)

At 15:22 15/06/01 +0200, Jefsey Morfin wrote:

>>Of the DNSO Secretariat is 100% French !!!!
>I do not understand that remark.
>- as you may note I suggest China, India or Africa as alternatives. Are 
>you opposed?
>- France, as Korea, is represented by one person. Australia by 3. ANZ by 
>4. China and India by 0.
>- I nominated Joop (ANZ) for the BoD.

And I have not yet responded. For the moment I'll be speechless..

Jefsey, I hope you realize that the "geographical representation" need is 
only there to block certain candidates when such would be needed. <g>

On the net the only boundaries are cultural and this does not always 
co-incide with geographical regions.  ANZ is an entity that you just 
created, (it's the trademarked name of a Bank <g>), un esprit . It exists 
under the name ANZAC
But culturally AU NZ is still  largely Europe. The English part.
What is it that needs representing on the Board most? Europe? In all it's 
Asia, in all it's diversity? Are they not represented as such already?
How big a Board is optimal?

It is good to think about these questions. They are going to be relevant to 

We are talking here about DNS stakeholders, regulation and political 
It's quite a contrast than between AU and NZ.
.NZ  essentially democratic, although higly imperfect,  "owned" by a 
society of volunteers.
.AU is still autocratic.
(and both's  ccTLD interests are represented)
"Representing ANZ" on the Names Council or on the Board, would  have to be 
a hard act when it comes to explaining policies.<g>


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