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Re: Geographical representation (was:Re: [ga] DNSO Secretariat)

On 04:58 17/06/01, Joop Teernstra said:
>Jefsey, I hope you realize that the "geographical representation" need is 
>only there to block certain candidates when such would be needed. <g>

I never though of that :-)

>On the net the only boundaries are cultural and this does not always 
>co-incide with geographical regions.  ANZ is an entity that you just 
>created, (it's the trademarked name of a Bank <g>), un esprit .

I suppose you mean "vue de l'esprit" otherwise you would fully agree with 
me :-)

>It exists under the name ANZAC
>But culturally AU NZ is still  largely Europe. The English part.
>What is it that needs representing on the Board most? Europe? In all it's 
>Asia, in all it's diversity? Are they not represented as such already?
>How big a Board is optimal?
>It is good to think about these questions. They are going to be relevant 
>to ICANN.

IMHO the real issue is the diversity of the iCANN or DNSO "cultures". This 
is why I tried to use an unusual name. I mean: what in the view of the 
discuted matters make difference. We need consensus not vites. Uniformity 
is the last thing we want.

>We are talking here about DNS stakeholders, regulation and political 
>It's quite a contrast than between AU and NZ.
>.NZ  essentially democratic, although higly imperfect,  "owned" by a 
>society of volunteers.
>.AU is still autocratic.
>(and both's  ccTLD interests are represented)

You see from your side. What I see:
- population of small size consistently of the langage as the BoD
- wide area with low population density
- new at network systems and services
- access problems (DoS to the whole NZ, 50% packets retransmission in AU). 
Satellite lines.
- sophisticated local population with a need for three local root servers 
(2 in Australia, 1 in N2) to get a secure service.
- common law based legal culture

If you consider equivalent criteria round the globe you will observe that 
no one less can represent you.

>"Representing ANZ" on the Names Council or on the Board, would  have to be 
>a hard act when it comes to explaining policies.<g>

We are not here in term of democracy but in term of problem coverage and 
operational priorities. This being said the Secretariat of the DNSO should 
reflect our outreach policy and should not IMHO be manned by a person of 
English mother tongue. Pilar Luques shown us enough the necessity of 
translation and we observed the complexity of our vocabulary and its 
instability. A multilingual lexical is of the essence: this is the job of 
the Secreariat. IMHO only an informed person used to the English Internet 
words but of not of English mother tongue and fluent in several other 
languages can adequately carry such a task.

We also need to have a Secretariat welcoming new people. We have quite 
noone active in here from China, India, Africa, Middle-East, 
Eastern-Europe, Japan, South America ... A strong sign to them is  our own 
Staff to be one of them.....


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