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[ga] RE: Re[2]: [ga-roots] Re: ICANN Policy -- revised version

  • To: "Ga" <ga@dnso.org>
  • Subject: [ga] RE: Re[2]: [ga-roots] Re: ICANN Policy -- revised version
  • From: "Dassa" <dassa@dhs.org>
  • Date: Sun, 17 Jun 2001 15:21:14 +1000
  • Importance: Normal
  • In-Reply-To: <>
  • Reply-To: <dassa@dhs.org>
  • Sender: owner-ga-full@dnso.org

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: owner-ga-roots@dnso.org On Behalf Of Stefan Probst
|> Sent: Sunday, June 17, 2001 11:12 AM
|> To: William X. Walsh
|> Cc: ga-roots@dnso.org; lynn@icann.org
|> Subject: Re[2]: [ga-roots] Re: ICANN Policy -- revised version

|> But Afilias didn't threat to start another root, if they don't get the
requested TLD.
|> ICANN was hesitating to give out that particular TLD, but now TUCOWS
|> the gun at ICANN's head (to use the recently mentioned image).

I think it was more like TUCOWS pointing out the economic realities of the
situation.  If ICANN recognises any of the so called alt.root TLD's then
there will be one all mighty rush by everyone to establish root servers and
new TLD's.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

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