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Re: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

Call me Stupid, but I sure don't see anything except strong expression of
personal opinion in


And, as in all "free speech" environemnts, participants have the option to
ignore such strong sentiments if they choose. 

Say, whatever happened to "freedom of speech and expression" in the GA

Bill Semich
.NU Domain

At 09:20 AM 6/18/01 +0200, Alexander Svensson wrote:
>The list monitors have decided to suspend Eric Dierker's
>posting rights for four weeks, beginning today (Monday,
>18 June) until Monday, 16 July.
>We have received several complaints about postings by
>Eric Dierker; our decision is based on the personal attacks
>and insults in
>http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc07/msg02563.html and
>http://www.dnso.org/clubpublic/ga/Arc07/msg02077.html as well
>as the breach of the posting limit on two successive days:
>The GA posting rules are laid down in
>- The messages must be relevant to the business of the GA
>- The messages must observe a minimum of decorum, including:
>  - Not indulging in personal attacks, insults or slander
>  - Not using offensive language
>- If the GA Chair or a list monitor asks for a limit to the number
>  of posts per person per day, this must be respected
>- The size of messages should be kept reasonable (there should be
>  a VERY good reason to send a message of more than 10 Kbytes).
>The time of the suspension has been doubled since Eric
>Dierker has already received a two week suspension in May.
>This decision may be appealed to the GA Chair.
>Best regards,
>/// Alexander (for the list monitors)
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