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Re: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

At 8:41 am -0400 6/19/01, Ken Stubbs wrote:
>i fully support the suspension..
>there are already too many distractions and unnecessary bickering on this
>list and unnecessary rancor and sarcasm only diminishes the list
>creditability and the related "noise"drives away potential new

Of course, the whole system would work a lot better if the DNSO board reps
voted the way the DNSO asked them to vote, rather than doing what their
non-DNSO paymaster told them to do.

Wouldn't it, Ken?

Andrew P. Gardner
barcelona.com stolen, stmoritz.com stays. What's uniform about the UDRP?
We could ask ICANN to send WIPO a clue, but do they have any to spare?
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