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Re: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

L Gallegos wrote:

> I rarely agree with WXW, but in this case I must.

I almost never agree with Leah, but do here.

> I, personally, do not care for some of Erics rants.  OTOH, I will
> strongly advocate his right to them.


> To me, much of it is noice and
> could be so much less verbose.  OTOH, it is his style.  My
> suggestion to those who do not like these posts or who resent the
> style, use yoru filtering techniques to avoid them.  This is not a
> "private" list.  It is open to the public.  Let's deal with it.  His posts
> are not off topic as he is discussing domain names and the public.
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