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[ga] List Moderation - Again !!

On Wed, 20 Jun 2001 21:04:34 -0600, Earl Heather wrote:
> No moderator(s) should EVER be able to act independantly, in secret
> or without appeal.

Hi Earl

Most moderated lists have a single moderator.  For the [ga] list, no less
than five moderators have been appointed by the elected Chair.  The list
monitors are a diverse group who require consensus in their decision-making
process.  Appeals are made to the Chair.  Any dissatisfaction with these
processes can be addressed by debate among the members themselves.

Even when a person is suspended they can still post to [ga-full].  You can
subscribe to that list by sending an email to Majordomo@dnso.org.  Should
you do so, you will find nobody posting there who doesn't post on the main
[ga] list except perhaps for a few non-member spams.

> Public,open and transparent handling of the complaint process is what
> has been missing, allowing the process to be manipulated by a few, to
> the detriment of the list.

There is no "detriment" to the list caused by decisions of the list
monitors.  One person was suspended for a few days.  He has since been
reinstated.  Persons suspended in the past are perfectly well aware of the
list rules.  They can be found at:


These rules are very mild.  No personal attacks, insults or slander.  No
oversize or excessive postings (five mails per person per list per day).
Stay on topic.  Be relevant.

They were introduced after months of debate in early 2000.  A forum has been
offered for anyone who wishes to debate the rules, propose motions, promote
revisions, etc.  This is the [ga-rules] mailing list.  Nobody seems to be
very interested in re-opening the debate.

Anyone can subscribe to [ga-rules] by sending an email to Majordomo@dnso.org
with the words "subscribe ga-rules" in the text part of the message (without
the quotes).

Please feel free to subscribe to [ga-rules] and debate any proposed rule
changes.  Meanwhile the list moderators will apply their independent
judgment to the best of their ability.

Best regards
Patrick Corliss

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