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RE: Re[2]: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

|> -----Original Message-----
|> From: owner-ga-full@dnso.org [mailto:owner-ga-full@dnso.org]On Behalf Of
|> William X. Walsh
|> Sent: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:21 PM
|> To: Ken Stubbs
|> Cc: ga@dnso.org; Jefsey Morfin
|> Subject: Re[2]: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker
|> Then push for rules to address this, and see if you get enough support
|> for them.
|> Don't use abusive interpretations of the existing rules just to get
|> rid of things you don't like.

2/6/2001 2:26pm
Through an arrangement reached between Registrar.com and the TLDA (somehow
through the 2 GA chair types) you have been further asked never to post to
list again, because you have been permanently banned for mean and vicious

Yes I agree pretty stupid, and pretty outlandish. But are they stupid and
outlandish because of content or because the speakers would never admit to

#####Directed to Mr Williams.

3/6/2001 1:28pm
This is so fun, everyone needs to follow it in the sub list roots.  Come
on get to work on the sequal movie.

#####Directed to all members of the GA.

3/6/2001 4:36pm
I was privileged over the last 10 days or so to be listening or actively
involved with telephone conversations with many of the biggest
registrar-marketers of domain names in the world.  They are lousy.

#####Directed to Bruce James
3/6/2001 6:25pm
ICANN is the little Dutch boy's finger in the hole in the dike. ICANN
is not even the little dutch boy. You build it and we will come!!

#####Directed to Mr Morfin.

6/6/2001 2:10pm
Yes, gaggle or herd! Flock comes to mind and so does pod!

#####Directed to the members of the GA.

7/6/2001 1:06pm
I question authority and yet when it serves the people I give
accolades.  We all know your style Uncle Younger Please let us prepare
for when you drop your dramatic bombshell of revelations of what
occurred in the land of the Great Queen.

#####Directed to the members of the GA.

Whilst I haven't looked at the posts mentioned in the suspension notice,
looking at a few of the posts by Eric at the beginning of the month shows a
very clear pattern of posting that does not follow the rules of the list.

The rules state:
- The messages must be relevant to the business of the GA
- The messages must observe a minimum of decorum, including:
  - Not indulging in personal attacks, insults or slander
  - Not using offensive language.

Personally I find the majority of Eric's posts do not meet a minimum of
decorum.  I support the suspension, if not the criteria posted by the
Monitors in reaching their decision.

Although a lot of Eric's posts are tongue in cheek, they are not of a
standard acceptable to any list attempting to present a professional and
capable image.

If the GA is to be taken seriously, a professional image must be maintained
and any rules enforced.

Darryl (Dassa) Lynch.

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