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Re[2]: [ga] [ADMIN] Four Week Suspension of Eric Dierker

Oh Please.  Learn how to use your filters, Bill, ok?

Thursday, June 21, 2001, 6:09:26 PM, William S. Lovell wrote:

> Roberto Gaetano wrote:

>> The Chair has only the ability to use clemency in the application of the
>> decisions of the list monitors, which is far from "overturning a decision".
>> Would you say that the President of the US, to make an example, has the
>> power of overturning a decision of a judge when he gives grace (or whatever
>> the technical legal term is) to somebody sentenced to death?
>> IMHO you (WXW) miss an important aspect of the power of the Chair: he/she
>> can only alleviate the sentence of the List Monitors, not the reverse (as I
>> thought I said clearly, he/she does not have the power, for instance, to
>> modify a dismissal by the List Monitors).
>> In other words, the Chair is not a judge of appeals, and hence formally the
>> sanctioned person still remains judged "guilty" of the offence, but has the
>> "fine" condoned.
>> But anyway, how does this influence the policy on Domain Names?

> Exactly.  That's why we have sub-lists, so that people who want to get
> on with the work without having to wade through endless hassles over
> the rules of combat can do so.

> I dropped entirely out of the whole ICANN scene a couple of years ago,
> because all I could see was this kind of trivia rather than any real progress
> -- the arguments now bear an eerie resemblance to the arguments seen
> then -- and it is starting to look as though things have not changed one
> iota.  WXW led the charge then, and he is mostly leading the charge now,
> and a more effective way of stifling any kind of productive work here
> could scarcely be imagined.

> Bill Lovell

Best regards,
William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
Userfriendly.com Domains
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