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Re: [ga] Democracy vs. Public Input - What is the process?

Dear all,

I think the UDRP and Privacy issues are germain to Damain Names and their

I think that many do not like to have to deal with social and political issues,
just as many do not like to deal with sophisticated technical issues.

But I am having trouble here understanding your postion, how do we address the
ccTLDs being an SO and or WIPO's overbearing approach to IP if we do not
include social and political concerns.

I could be wrong but as understand the terms policy and governance they require
these types of concerns.  Certainly the idea of consensus is sociological at
it's finest.

It would seem that this comment is really meant for the other SOs.  I await
your enlightenment because I know your premise is well founded.


> In practical terms, the more time we dedicate to sociological and
> pseudo-political argumentation, the more the decisions on Domain Names
> issues will be taken without our input. Is this our goal? If yes, fine,
> let's continue, we are on the right track!
> Regards
> Roberto

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