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[ga] Democracy vs. Public Input - What is the process?

Roberto raises some interesting points.  Cindy

On Thursday, June 21, 2001 10:38 AM Roberto Gaetano wrote in part:

<deleted portion relating to suspensions>

About the general issue on transparency and public discussions on complaint
process, raised by Earl and others, I would like to ask a question: "What
the core business of the GA?"

IMHO, the GA is not about an experiment of democracy in cyberspace, but
about a way to provide public input to ICANN on Domain Name issues.

To get some public input in a less than perfect fashion will be to achieve
some of the purpose. To achieve perfect cyberdemocracy but provide little
no input would mean that we have failed miserably.

In practical terms, the more time we dedicate to sociological and
pseudo-political argumentation, the more the decisions on Domain Names
issues will be taken without our input. Is this our goal? If yes, fine,
let's continue, we are on the right track!


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