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RE: [ga] Re: [announce] NC telecon 16 August 2001 - agenda

"They" should at least gain sponsorship from local vendors in advance of 
these meetings... and give some smaller business the opportunity to too 
their own horn if they can't get one of the larger businesses to set it up.


At 07:07 AM 8/1/2001 -0700, Roeland Meyer wrote:
> > From: k@widgital.com [mailto:k@widgital.com]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2001 7:54 AM
> > <snip>
> >
> > >   3. The NC will not be webcast due to budget constraints.
> > <snip>
> >
> > Another year goes by with millions of people video
> > conferencing and not one
> > DNSO meeting can.  Makes one wonder what "budget constraints"
> > really refers to.
>It's corporate-speak for "we don't want to spend the money." Note that, it
>is a far cry from "we don't have the money to spend" (maybe true, for DNSO).
> > Could someone please send a book of commonly misused
> > words and word
> > combinations by the DNSO and ICANN to explain what words like "budget
> > constraints" mean according to their definition.
>Since DNSO funding comes from ICANN, DNSO doesn't have it, but ICANN does.
> > According to all the dictionaries I have checked out it means the DNSO can
> > afford video conferencing which we all know is a bunch of bologna.
> >
> > :)
>Since video conferncing is one of those things where costs scale up with
>service, there may be an issue here. But, ICANN doesn't have to pay union
>scale, so what's the problem? Any video is better than no video.
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