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Re: [ga] [IUC] Working Organization

Jefsey Morfin wrote:

> Dear Eric,
> <snip>
> 4) I propose the following definition for an Internet User: "any person who
> is using the Internet either directly through any access station or
> indirectly through any electronic device". This includes WebTV watchers,
> Electronic Games Kids, E-Mail users, Building Tele Alarms owners, WebPone
> users, MP3 afficionados, etc...

These are my people, here are truly the underrepresented and those who actually
foot the bill.

> 5) we are all of us most welcome indeed to follow your example and to
> propose Internet Users to join this GA, registering as voters and
> participating to our efforts.

Small ISPs should be most helpful here and we can draft a half pager for them to
forward to their clients.  Now small ISPs will be able to say "we are very sorry
about what happened with your domain name and here is where you can go to help
change things for the better"

> 6) An initial very limited funding will be provided by the world@wide
> foundation. Secretariat and Banking account could be provided by the
> International Secretariat for Telematic Applications (SIAT) which addresses
> that kind of need since 1978.
> 7) the CAC (Consumer Advisory Committee) could start as an advisory
> committee to the IUC project.

Would you explain to those of us less familiar a little more about these fine
groups - perhaps a link is all.

> 8) I suggest that in our outreach campaign we think about the creation of
> local chapters and about persons able to create and animate them.

Yes!!!  (sorry did not mean to shout)  This is key both local by geographics and
local by use.  I like the ideas of synagogues or churches or temples being able
through their congregations to have input. I like the idea of minorities in any
given area {say Americans in China and vice versa} forming chapters.

> 9) we could set-up a think tank at thinktank@intuser.org for everyone to
> share with ideas and concepts. Once organized by themes they would be
> published on the IntUser site for public comments.

Here we have a problem; you see most on this list do not think of us common users
as thinkers.

> 10) I suppose that our initial needs includes among others:
> -  graphic design for the site
> -  site hosting / server housing with Mail, Threads and ML service
> -  multi-langaguage being of the essence: translation facilties in
> different languages

Not of the essence but One Hundred percent essential.  When we get closer we will
see just which services deserve our endorsement.  Within this we will find
professionals in economic development that use the Internet to find sources but do
not otherwise involve themselves in the business.

> -  legal advising - US about ByLaws - international about contract with ICANN
> -  presentation of a budget
> -  edition and publication of a good presentation document
> -  consumer organization relations
> -  organization of international face to face meetings in Europe, Asia and USA
> -  compilation of a worldwide user services directory
> -  compilation of an interlanguage internet words glossary
> -  development of a me/we management system able to cope with millions of
> occasional participants

Well with all this it might just work.  As with any endeavor we must ask for help.
I am bothering my friends in the ABA and AMA to contribute as they seem generally
to fit in our categories they are dedicated men and women who use the www net to
gather information to help others but have no other use for it.

> Any volunteer or project to help in these areas would be most welcome.
> Cheers.
> Jefsey

Who was it who recently said; "We have a long ways to go and a short time to get
there"?  I look forward in this endeavor to create a place where I will enjoy a
finer and more tolerant diversity of  people.  I anticipate that my Vietnamese
entrepreneur and shoeshine boy will find a place to be global citizens, not
globalization but global citizenry.


> On 04:40 08/08/01, Eric Dierker said:
> >Jefsey,
> >
> >As you know I am a cowboy, but I also have a doctorate, and I also familiarly
> >represent  the individual interests of my many friends in South East Asia.  I
> >was also fortunately given the privilege of spending a year under Pierre
> >in the
> >American College in Paris.  When I recently joined our children in the
> >outskirts of Mexico DF I realized I had no right to do anything but fight for
> >their freedom through information.  I have been non refuted in claims to dot
> >commoner representation.  I have with great humility lost many elections
> >within
> >and without this body.  In the Internet and especially in ICaNN I have no
> >home,
> >we desperately need an IUC.  I have been graciously extended the opportunity
> >from my bosses to join in your crusade for individual users to have a voice in
> >the Internet.  I am compiling a list of just plain old users to join in your
> >cause.  Please lead us into a representative body.  My people are of the
> >opinion that as an ICANN member of the BoD you would be our best friend.  But
> >please lead us in this concept first.
> >
> >My dot commoners and myself lend ourselves to your cause which from this day
> >forward we call our own.
> >
> >Sincerely and with gratitude,
> >
> >Eric,
> >
> >Jeffrey Morphine wrote:
> >
> > > I think Peter de Blanc is right.
> > >
> > > There is a procedure for the creation of a "constituency". This procedure
> > > consists in organizing the constituency : its bylaws, its proposed contract
> > > with the ICANN, its budget and financing, its Members, its initial
> > > bootstrap, its website, etc. and a petition to the BoD to consider its
> > > proposition.
> > >
> > > IMHO there are three constituencies to be prepared:
> > >
> > > - Internet Users targeting to represent 400.000.000 users (IUC)
> > > - Registrants (RC)
> > > - DNS Development to foster analysis about DNS system évolution. DNSDC
> > >
> > > I am intersted organizing an IUC dedicated interest group to evaluate and
> > > work on the feasiblity of an Itenet User Constituency. I underline that IUC
> > > means Internet Users having no DN or not concerned by their DN.  This has
> > > nothing to do with Joop's project. I only hope it may help startung it.
> > >
> > > 1. if you are interested thank you to let us know
> > > 2. Patrick, I am lost with your sub-lists. May be one could be used? Please
> > > advise the best one. (so the discussion stay in the GA but do not bore non
> > > interested people).
> > > 3. My determination is real. I would like to have the project really of the
> > > ground with a Consumer Advisory Council project tobe submitted in Marina
> > > del Rey.
> > >
> > > Jefsey
> > >
> > > --
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