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Re: [ga] who handles registrar complaints?

Dear all,

I am afraid there may be some truth to this claim of personality over content.
But I believe, wearing my socioligist hat, that this is more a matter of the
club mentality that has developed within the www/internet technical community
rather than a personal reflection on Mr. Smith.  It is a snobbery that is all
pervasive in the true digital divide.

Dumping on ICANN as a whole is non-constructive, it is akin to a minority hating
all of the majority because of the bigotry of a few.  I do not even think that
the staff recognizes that they act arrogantly.  I have met and spoken with Luis
and Andrew and I am sure they have no idea who I am and do not care because I am
not someone in the club.  but I can ask two important questions.

1. Who owns ICANN? and

2. Who can we complain to about registration abuses by registrars?

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in answering my questions.

admin wrote:

> >Damn fine question!!
> You see that doesn't matter.  I don't bow down before the greatness of the
> ICANN staff and kiss their asses.  They then use that as an excuse not to
> answer, ignore the question, etc.  The content of the question does not
> matter, it is who asked it.  Of course this type of activity violates the
> agreements ICANN has with DOC to operate in an open and transparent manner.
> I treat ICANN staff the same way they treat individual domain holders and
> they don't seem to like it.  I suggest they quit if they don't like it.
> >if we had an Individuals and a Registrants
> >constituency
> Unfortunately the current ICANN staff will never let this happen in any
> meaningful way.  They will just bring in more people like themselves and the
> current situation will get worse.  The focus should be on getting rid of the
> current ICANN so it will be possible to proceed with such a plan.  The only
> way to do this is similar to what the Navy does when a ship goes bad ...
> they clear out the whole lot and start over.
> Russ Smith

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