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RE: [ga] Second Advisory Concerning Equitable Allocation of SRS Resources

The political problems are both the [lack of] notification [to the GA] and
the business requirements of the SRS system. The result is a technical
problem that can be solved by proper distributed systems architecture.

This particular problem was forseeable over two years ago. NSI had lookup
melt-down problems, even then. The issues were exactly the same. At the
time, I indicated my lack of confidence in NSI's software development

Name registration lookups are probably the single most common transaction on
the SRS system. Not only is that fact intuitively obvious, but I'll bet no
small amount of change that statistics will bear me out. In other words ...

Lois Touton is *way* out of place, blaming users for bad systems design. The
system should be scalable to the load requirements. Whatever those load
requirements may be or whatever they may become. A real good design allows
scaling by additional hardware.

There are only a small number of firms that are considered competent to
handle such design. As far as I know, neither ICANN nor NSI has ever
contacted any of them. BTW, Versign *isn't* one of them.

R O E L A N D  M J  M E Y E R
Information and Systems Archtect
Morgan Hill Software Company
t:01 925 373 3954
c:01 925 352 3615
f:01 925 373 9781 

-----Original Message-----
From: DannyYounger@cs.com [mailto:DannyYounger@cs.com]
Sent: Saturday, August 11, 2001 6:45 AM
To: ga@dnso.org
Subject: [ga] Second Advisory Concerning Equitable Allocation of SRS

Dear members, 

Louis Touton has advised the Council of a new announcement (rather

It would be nice if ICANN staff chose to include the GA on their mailing
as well... but I guess some things will never change. 
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