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Re[2]: [ga] Re: Documentation request

Tuesday, Tuesday, August 14, 2001, 3:23:23 PM, Joop Teernstra wrote:

> At 08:25 15/08/01, Peter de Blanc wrote:
>>Regardless of your comments about number of ccTLD's participating, that
>>has little to do with what I said.
>>When I said "100", I said persons or organizations signing off on a
>>document. Surely you have 100 persons to represent an IDNH constituency.
>>You should have thousands!

> There are 230 names of people who have signed up for the IDNO and gave 
> details that qualified them as members, grown from the original 66 who's 
> representatives signed the petition.
> The names and the timeline when they signed up can be found on 
> www.idno.org/members.htm

An unverifiable list, the validity of which we have only you to vouch

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William X Walsh <william@userfriendly.com>
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