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RE: [ga] Re: Documentation request

|> From: Peter de Blanc [mailto:pdeblanc@usvi.net]
|> Sent: Tuesday, August 14, 2001 8:17 PM
|> I'd suggest that you (those of you who wish to organize the IDNHC)
|> arrange for your own funding, at least until you have a non-profit
|> corporation, a bank account, a secretariat, and maybe even a 
|> part-time
|> "policy officer" or executive.  Then you could propose 
|> entering into a
|> Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ICANN, similar to the Regional
|> ASOs.
|> You should be able to accomplish that for US $ 50,000. 200 
|> people at $
|> 250 each could be "founders" 
|> You have to start from a position of strength if you want to get
|> anywhere. Once you are established, and gain mailing list support of,
|> say 1 million or so DN holders, you might be able to suggest that the
|> registrars or registries kick in a percent or something 
|> towards funding.
|> It will NOT work to ask for funding to a non-incorporated 
|> body that has
|> only 100 or 200 or even 500 Domain name holders, as being 
|> representative
|> of a majority of IDNH persons.

Thank you Peter. This very point is one that I brought up often. One fear is
that separate incorporation would disqualify a group from being a
constituency. None of the original SO's are thus incorporated, even the BC.
They are all a part of the ICANN corporation.

One of the main purposes, for incorporating, was exactly the issue you
mention here, how do you fund something that doesn't legally exist? Without
funding, there is no way to do recruitment.

|> After all, even 1.0 percent of US $ 250 million in domain name fees
|> would be $ 2.5 million dollars. That is 5 times the CENTR budget, 25
|> times the ccTLD budget, and about 50% of the budget of ICANN itself.
|> This is a serious post. There is no sarcasm here. It is my considered
|> suggestion as to a possible way for you to move forward.

I think it is the only way to move foward. Especially, in the face of stout
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