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RE: [ga] Another committee of cronies?

>I do.

>Besides the fact that his version has been confirmed by the posting of some
>NC members (for the NC appointments part), what would be his
>interest in not
>appointing the persons suggested by the bodies involved?
>Maybe the *real* question would be how the individual bodies selected their
>nominees. But I understand that this approach will not fit with your
>personal crusade against Stuart Lynn.

The question why is very small number of organizations chosen.  What about
the millions of other people involved is the question.

About my personal crusade, that is against ICANN.  Mr. Lynn is just another
of a long line of stooges, crooks, liars, frauds, (and their associated
cheerleaders like who you) that I dislike.  if you would bother to venture
outside your small group of cronies you might start to realize that.

Russ Smith

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