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Re: [ga] FYI: Expiring domain names interim solution

On Thu, Aug 23, 2001 at 09:08:04PM -0400, admin wrote:
> >There is an enforcement system with 1st, 2nd, 3rd
> >and additional offenses.
> As usual, a vague statement without any discussion of what the "enforcement
> system" is or what the penalties are.

As usual, you are wrong.  From the announcement


  The following enforcement procedures will be employed. 

  A 1st offense will result in the registrar having its bandwidth and
  sessions immediately limited in the Guarantee and Overflow Pools so
  that the behavior does not impact the system or other registrars.  The
  registrar will receive an email and telephone notification.  When the
  registrar has notified VeriSign GRS of the resolution of the issue
  (e.g., the activity has been moved to the Automated Batch Pool), these
  bandwidth and session limitations will be removed.  

  A 2nd offense will result in the same action as the 1st, with the
  added action that the registrar will be notified that subsequent
  offenses will result in it being blocked entirely from the Guarantee
  and Overflow Pools.  

  A 3rd offense will result in the registrar being blocked from the
  Guarantee and Overflow Pools for 7 days, requiring that all
  transactions be performed in the Automated Batch Pool.  

  Subsequent offenses will result in the registrar being blocked from
  the Guarantee and Overflow Pools for 30 days, requiring that all
  transactions be performed in the Automated Batch Pool. 

  Enforcement of these procedures will begin with the resumption of
  batch releases described below. 

Kent Crispin                               "Be good, and you will be
kent@songbird.com                           lonesome." -- Mark Twain
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