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Dear Members of the GA of the DNSO of  ICANN,

Lately I have had the privilege of working with some countries that are
developing their Internet systems nationwide.  When it comes to
equipment and technology it is easy to handle and/or out source and
begin in and out of country training and education.  From servers to
switches to satellites to systems - money and time are the only
opponents.  When it comes to Policy we are screwed.  There is no
standard, there is no example, there is no order.  The *ISO* for
internet standards is ICANN and I cannot in good conscience recommend
it's policies.  Based upon my time sheets going back over a year I have
spent over 2,500 hours researching archives, articles, treatises etc.
etc. regarding internet strategy, analysis and policy.  I have argued,
debated, probed and been educated by some of the best and the brightest
in the business and academia and have reached the absolute conclusion
that there is no World Wide Open and Transparent Policy setting standard
for the Internet.  But the closest we have is the beast known as ICANN
and the only open and transparent bottoms up apparatus within it is the
GA. God help us.

So I have a few questions.

I ask was there ever any follow up on this?

{written months ago on this list}
> >
> > In the midst of all this procedural to-ing and fro-ing about
> > and suspensions, I have a substantive question:
> >
> > I am attempting to review the various U.S. Committee and
> > investigations into the activities of ICANN.  Can anyone direct me
> > an up-to-date list of all investigations, with links to transcripts?

> > Alternatively, is anyone aware of a summary of all recent
> > investigations?
> >
> > Thank you.

Secondly has anyone ever answered the question of who owns ICANN?

Has ICANN filed for their required 3 year IRS non-profit extension with
proof of following their exemption criteria?

As I understand it Jones and Day handled Postels estate and he owned
ICANN and yet J&D still represent ICANN and have not filed the 
proper probate and corporation papers transferring ownership.

As I further understand the initial contracts with the USG were handled
by Postel and therefor there is a legacy.

If I am to extrapolate I would tell my Europe friends that the *ICANN*
Internet is owned by some sort of Monarchy.  
therefor we should look for a new king or queen and petition 
for a Parliament accordingly.

Laugh as you will but only after you answer the first questions to your
own satisfaction.

I would thank any of you for an intellectual reply.  Yes, this may be a
little tongue in cheek, but how else do we suffer such madness

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